Say NO to Water Pollution

     To be honest, when I registered for this course (UNGS), it made me question the significance of this subject. Is it linked to my Urban and Planning course? There were a lot of thoughts running through my head before my professor convened our first meeting via Google Meet. Well not until my professor explained it to our class.

So, what is this course all about???...

     The goal of this course is to improve students' understanding of the idea of sustainability, the relevance of sustainable development, and the Islamic perspective on sustainability. 

This means it is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

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     Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is a worldwide appeal in action to eradicate poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that all people live in peace and property in 2030. There are 17 goals to be achieved but the goals that I would love to explain and relate with me are clean water and sanitation.

     Clean water is important to our health, communities, and economy. We need clean water in order to have healthy populations as it also can boost countries' economic growth and contribute significantly to poverty reduction. . After all, People rely a lot on clean water to ensure their daily work can be done early and quickly. However, looking back at whenever I go, the community always talks about how contaminated and smelly the water is. To the point, where they become numb and just use it because there is no action taken to address the problem.

So I'm concerned about what will happen if the water is never clean???

      I began my literature research by investigating the impact of polluted water on our neighborhood and the environment, as well as the impact on Malaysian economic growth. there are numerous of them. To begin with, drinking water contaminated with hazardous amounts of pollutants can induce health problems such as cholera, diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio. Some 829 000 people are estimated to die each year from diarrhea as a result of unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hand hygiene. 
     Furthermore, polluted water can heavily impact economies such as recreational, fishing, business, and tourism. It would likely happen because of the money spent to clean up the polluted water as it can cost up to billions of dollars where we can invest the money toward more vital things. This is the opposite of SDG-6. Which is focused on improving water quality by decreasing pollution, eliminating dumping, and avoiding the discharge of dangerous chemicals and materials, and significantly boosting recycling and safe reuse globally.

     The more study I conduct, the more I discover that it occurs as a consequence of human behaviors, and also that I may be a part of it. For so many generations, the world has been dealing with climate change and resource pollution, which are mostly the result of human activities such as oil leakage, industrial waste, marine dumping, and many others. Worse, we lack a sense of morality in our concern for environmental protection. 

     So, therefore as a university student, what should I do to lend a hand or, at the very least, avoid it from worsening? I thought up a few techniques and approaches, and one of those is to pick up trash and dispose of it in a disposal can. This approach is generally acknowledged as litter can flow from the yard or street to nearby drains and streams, negatively impacting water quality.

     Next, do not drain cooked 
fat or any other types of fat, oil, or grease down the sink. 
Keep a "fat jar" beneath the sink to collect fat and dispose of it in the garbage when it becomes full. As the words go around "
Just because it disappears, doesn’t mean it goes away".

     The last approach that I can suggest is 
by all means never using the toilet as a wastebasket. the waste such as 
tissues, wrappers, dust cloths, and other paper products should be disposed of in a wastebasket. Besides, these 
objects increase the probability of sewage lines being clogged and sewage being difficult to clean adequately as it passes through a wastewater treatment facility or septic tank.

     Despite the fact that it was difficult for me and that I needed to somehow be disciplined in order to rescue our ecosystem.
However, there is a saying that"the environment is a priceless treasure on this earth."
As a matter of fact, nothing can stop me from protecting the environment and enlightening the public on the importance of doing so. 
The world is suffering and dying.
This is the moment for us, as a community, as the entire universe, to work together to preserve and maintain our planet. If we did not take any action, the future generation will be great suffering. 

     And I believe in the power of community; if we strive together to protect the earth, there is nothing we can't do.
To add another point, beyond an Islamic perspective, preserving our environment is an important issue in contemporary life, and it should become a profession of faith, based on the aim of the Maqasid Syariah, which emphasizes the preservation of life, which is human life and that of the creatures on earth (hifz-nafs) (hifz al-din). And it 
is  for everyone of all of us to do our obligation and our part t protect the earth so the future generation could also benefit and enjoy it (
hifz al-nasb)

From my perspective, these experiences have taught me a lot and helped me grow into a more responsible person.
Significantly, I've learned that we all rely on one another and that we should be grateful for and appreciate everything in our lives.



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